
Fresh A2 Buttermilk / Matha / Chaach

Shreedham buttermilk is a soothing drink for summer. It has innumerable health benefits. Our traditional buttermilk is the residue left behind after churning curd to make butter by bilona method. It contains less fat and fewer calories than milk due to the removal of butter. It is a good source of protein and calcium. It also contains sodium, potassium, vitamins and traces of phosphorus. It’s easy to digest and you will not feel like bloating stomach or heaviness as you would feel with any other conventional buttermilk in the market. No preservatives are added and hence it can go sour fast. Kadhi can be made if it tastes sour. It is also a very good cleanser. One can wash hair with sour buttermilk. It helps fight dandruff and also makes them strong and nourished. 

A2 Buttermilk Benefits

Natural Coolant for the Body.

Effective in maintaining water balance in the body and prevents dehydration.

Good for Our GUT health.

Energy Booster.

Good for Bones & Teeth as it is a good source of calcium.

Relieves Acidity.

Strengthens our immune system.

Buttermilk is rich in B complex vitamins and vitamin D.

Facilitates detoxification of the body.

Why choose Shreedham A2 Buttermilk